1. pathlinkR::exampleDESeqResults
    List of example results from DESeq2
  2. pathlinkR::groupedPathwayColours
    Colour assignments for grouped pathways
  3. pathlinkR::hallmarkDatabase
    Table of Hallmark gene sets and their genes
  4. pathlinkR::innateDbPPI
    InnateDB PPI data
  5. pathlinkR::keggDatabase
    Table of KEGG pathways and genes
  6. pathlinkR::mappingFile
    Table of human gene ID mappings
  7. pathlinkR::pathwayCategories
    Top-level pathway categories
  8. pathlinkR::reactomeDatabase
    Table of all Reactome pathways and genes
  9. pathlinkR::sigoraDatabase
    Table of all Sigora pathways and their constituent genes
  10. pathlinkR::sigoraExamples
    Sigora enrichment example